Meet Our Team at Generation Church

Our Team

Pastors Ben & Melissa Pierce

Pastors Ben & Melissa started their life together in the business world but early on felt the call of God to leave their corporate careers and launch a life giving church in South Florida. From there the vision of Generation Church was born; a mission to inspire a generation to follow Jesus. They have been building the local church in South Florida for over a decade by empowering the next generation and learning from those before. They have two amazing sons, Hudson & Ethan!

Aaron Schwindt 3

Aaron Schwindt

Creative Arts Pastor

Avery H-1

Avery Hodge

Operations Director

Mike Stephens-min

Mike Stephens

Executive Pastor

Colin Square-1

Colin Schwindt

Interim Creative Director

Robbi C-3-min

Robbi Crim

Children's Director

Dakota Stroble

Dakota Rucker

Graphic Designer

Melissa Kessler Square

Melissa Kessler


Jay Sancraint-de sat

Jay SanCraint

Student Pastor

Kristin Stephens-2

Kristin Stephens

Executive Administrator