Heirs & Assassins | Week 1 | Pastor Ben Pierce

Navigating the Challenges of Family Life

In a world filled with challenges and threats to our families, understanding our identity as heirs of God’s kingdom becomes crucial. Join Pastor Ben Pierce as he explores the dynamics of family, purpose, and the forces that seek to undermine our blessings in the series ‘Heirs and Assassins’.

Understanding Our Identity as Heirs

As heirs of God’s kingdom, our identity shapes our perspective on life and the challenges we face. The scripture reminds us that we are joint heirs with Christ, a profound truth that carries weight in our daily lives. This identity gives us access to blessings and responsibilities that come with being part of God’s family.

Understanding our identity as heirs means recognizing the inheritance we have. This inheritance isn’t merely material; it’s spiritual and relational. We have a direct connection to the Creator, who empowers us to navigate life’s challenges.

Understanding Our Identity as Heirs

The Significance of Being Heirs

Being an heir signifies belonging. It assures us that we are not alone in our struggles. As we embrace our identity, we can approach life’s difficulties with confidence. The assurance that we are loved and valued allows us to face adversities without fear.

Furthermore, understanding our heirship leads to a sense of purpose. We are called to reflect God’s love and grace in our families and communities. This understanding compels us to act, not just as recipients of blessings but as conduits of God’s love.

The Significance of Being Heirs

Multigenerational Blessings

In the Bible, we often see the mention of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Their stories illustrate the power of multigenerational blessings. These blessings are not just for the individual but extend to families and future generations.

When we understand the significance of these blessings, we can actively seek to foster them within our families. It is essential to create an environment where faith and values are passed down. This creates a legacy that honors God and strengthens family bonds.

Multigenerational Blessings

Facing the Giants in Our Lives

Every family will encounter giants—challenges designed to undermine our purpose. These giants can take many forms, from financial struggles to relational conflicts. Recognizing them is the first step towards overcoming them.

Just like David faced Goliath, we too must confront our giants. These battles are not just physical; they are deeply spiritual. Understanding that these challenges are assignments from the enemy helps us to prepare and respond appropriately.

Facing the Giants in Our Lives

Lessons from King David’s Life

King David’s life offers rich lessons on leadership, family dynamics, and resilience. Despite his flaws, he remained a man after God’s own heart. His journey illustrates that mistakes do not disqualify us from God’s purpose.

David’s experience with Bathsheba serves as a cautionary tale. It highlights the importance of accountability and the need to guard our hearts against temptation. Understanding these dynamics equips us to navigate our relationships with wisdom.

Lessons from King David's Life

Dealing with Rebellion and Discipline

David’s relationship with his son Absalom showcases the complexities of rebellion within families. Absalom’s actions remind us that rebellion can arise from unmet needs and desires. Addressing these issues with love and discipline is crucial for healing.

Discipline should be rooted in love. It is essential to create an environment where open communication is encouraged. This fosters trust and allows family members to express their feelings without fear of judgment.

Dealing with Rebellion and Discipline

Blended Families: Embracing Diversity

In today’s world, many families are blended, mended, and extended. David’s multiple marriages reflect the complexities of family life. Embracing this diversity requires grace and understanding.

Blended families can thrive when members commit to building relationships based on respect and love. Establishing clear communication channels and shared values helps bridge gaps and fosters unity.

Blended Families: Embracing Diversity


As we delve deeper into these themes, we will uncover practical insights that can transform our families. Each lesson drawn from scripture and the life of David serves as a guide to navigate the complexities of family life. Remember, we are not alone in this journey; we have God’s strength and the support of our church family.

Projectiles and Purpose: The Story of David and Goliath

In the battle of life, every family faces giants. These giants can manifest as challenges in relationships, financial burdens, or external pressures that threaten to derail our purpose. The story of David and Goliath serves as a powerful reminder of how preparation and faith can empower us to confront our giants. Just like David, we must recognize that one stone can make all the difference.

Projectiles and Purpose: The Story of David and Goliath

Preparing for Life’s Battles

Preparation is key. Jesse, David’s father, understood this principle well. Instead of shielding David from challenges, he placed him in situations where he could learn and grow. This protective yet empowering approach allowed David to develop the skills necessary to face Goliath.

We must adopt a similar mindset in our families. Rather than preventing our children from experiencing life’s difficulties, we should equip them to handle these challenges. This means allowing them to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow stronger in the process.

Preparing for Life’s Battles

Guiding Through Real World Situations

As parents and guardians, we have a responsibility to guide our children through real-world situations. David’s experience with the lion and the bear was a critical training ground. It was here that he learned the importance of courage and reliance on God.

We must create opportunities for our children to face challenges. By drawing them into discussions about their struggles and encouraging them to seek solutions, we foster resilience and problem-solving skills. This proactive approach prepares them for the inevitable giants they will encounter in life.

Guiding Through Real World Situations

Developing Personal Weapons and Spirituality

David’s victory over Goliath was not just about physical strength; it was about knowing his identity and purpose. He recognized that he was not fighting with conventional weapons but with the power of God. This understanding came from the time spent in preparation and the spiritual foundation laid by his father.

We must help our children develop their own spiritual weapons. This includes teaching them how to pray, study the scriptures, and engage in their faith. When they learn to rely on God, they become equipped to face any giant that comes their way.

Developing Personal Weapons and Spirituality

Conclusion: Trusting God with Our Families

As we reflect on the lessons from David’s life, we are reminded that preparation, guidance, and spiritual development are crucial in raising resilient children. Our role as parents and guardians is to invest in their early years, laying a strong foundation for their future.

Trusting God with our families means acknowledging that we cannot control every outcome. However, we can prepare our children to navigate life’s battles with faith and courage. In doing so, we honor our responsibility as heirs of God’s kingdom, equipping the next generation to fulfill their purpose.

Trusting God with Our Families