
4 total ways to give


Click here to simply send a gift digitally. You can send a single gift or set up a recurring one using a bank account, credit, or debit card.


Text 'GENERATION' to (833) 891-3343 to connect with our text to give resources. There, you can submit payments digitally by the tap of a finger.


You can always give in person any time during Sunday services at the safe receptacles by the auditorium doors.


Send a check to 430 Center St. Jupiter, FL 33458. Make checks payable to "Generation Church."


Generosity makes a difference

1st Wednesday Food Distribution

Each month we partner with Restoration Bridge to distribute approximately 15,000 lbs of food to 200+ families living in Jupiter Fl.

Homeless Coalition

Jesus said that the poor would always be with us, so your generosity helps to feed the homeless population in our area every month.

First Care

Pastor Ben sits on the Pastor’s Advisory Council for First Care and we financially support the sanctity of life in Palm Beach County.

Urban Youth Impact

Jesus put a high priority on children and so do we. Your generosity helps to educate the underserved children in West Palm Beach FL.